Shri Asha brings ancient wisdom to modern life style. Phone: +44-7713332625

About Us


About Us

Our Mission - Connecting modern world to ancient wisdom

Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam Aturasya vyadhi prashamanam

“Protect health of the healthy and relieve disease of the ailing”

Ayurveda, (ah-yer-vey-duh) is believed to be world’s oldest holistic healing system, originating 5,000 years ago in India.

The verse* (shloka) above taken from original scripture of Ayurveda -Shushrut Sanhita-is said to be the fundamental motto of Ayurveda. The foundation of Ayurveda is based on a delicate balance between mind, body and spirit, with the aim of promoting & preserving good health as well as providing holistic treatments for specific health problems.

Inspired by the same motto; Shri Asha Integrated Ayurveda has a mission and single objective to serve the community and mankind. Our approach to health and wellbeing is to integrate ancient ayurvedic principles & practices with the modern life style.

Shri Asha’s founder – Dr (Ayu) Garima Pandey, a passionate ayurvedic practitioner, firmly believes in supporting the body’s ability to self-repair by introducing natural herbal supplements and ayurvedic practices into our day-to-day life.

Focusing on holistic preventive approach, we aspire to empower every individual with the knowledge to understand the uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses of their own body & nature. Knowing this enables all of us to take better care of ourselves and live a healthy life to its maximum potential.

With an open heart, we would like to invite everyone to be part of our mission to get closer to a healthier and happier life with love and care provided by Mother Nature. We welcome you to join us by following the link below to know more about Ayurveda.

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Meet the Team

Dr. (Ayu) Garima Pandey

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (B.A.M.S.)

Garima is a qualified Ayurvedic doctor (B A M S) with five and a half years full time university degree from one of the most prestigious schools – Gurukul Kangri Ayurvedic Medical College, Haridwar – India. As part of the degree, she started her clinical journey with one-year internship in various departments in Ayurvedic and conventional hospital settings.

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Vimal Pandey

Founder and Lifestyle Coach

A motivator & positive thinker, Vimal shares the same passion for “Ayurveda and healthy lifestyle” as his wife Garima. A founder of Shri Asha Integrated Ayurveda, he is actively working on Shri Asha’s mission of introducing Ayurvedic Practices into the daily lives of as many people as possible.

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